需求侧用电仿真评估与优化As utility companies use various mechanisms of Demand Side Management (DSM) to regulate and modify consumer demand for energy, manufacturing plants also look for ways to improve the quality/cost ratio by saving energy cost. Several approaches are available for a plant to save energy, one of which is to reschedule the operation hours of electrical devices and take advantage of incentives and favorable pricing offered by utilities. This paper attempts to develop a load optimization model for plants to minimize the cost incurred by energy consumption. Many practical factors are considered in the model, such as electrical device clustering, night schedule extra labor charge, devices with fixed operation schedules, etc. A discussion of solutions to the optimization model is presented. An online tool for energy assessment and load optimization is also briefly introduced.王加存教授致远楼102室3月21日(周六) 上午9:30
Virasoro conformal blocks and Painleve tau functionsI review a recent remarkable discovery made by Gamayun, Iorgov, Lisovyy. They found that the Painleve tau functions have Fourier expansions in terms of four point Virasoro conformal blocks. As a result, since Virasoro conformal blocks correspond to the Nekrasov partition functions of a certain class of 4d supersymmetric gauge theories, the Painleve tau functions has explicit series expansions.名古屋创(Nagoya Hajime)致远楼1072015年3月19日15:30-16:30
The strong law of large numbers for extended negatively dependent -subgausian...When be an array of rowwise extended negatively dependent subgausian random variables we study the strong law of large numbers of weighted sums under some appropriate conditions, whereis an array of constants. Finally, we give some corollaries.Professor Jong-IL BAEK数学系致远楼102会议室2014年12月24日(周三)上午10:15
《路径模型引论 (Introduction to path models)》学术报告日本筑波大学数学系佐垣大辅 (Sagaki Daisuke) 教授将在2014年12月22日至26日在同济大学数学系致远楼107教室作关于《路径模型引论 (Introduction to path models)》的系列讲座, 每次二小时左右, 热烈欢迎你们及你们的研究生参加, 具体日程安排如下:12月22,23,25,26日 (星期一,二,四,五) 下午14:00-16:3012月24日(星期三) 上午9:30-12:00欢迎各位参佐垣大辅数学系致远楼107教室12月24日(星期三) 上午9:30-12:00
Introduction to path modelsFirst, I'd like to explain Littelmann's path models. Let be a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra (such as, etc.). In the papers "A Littlewood-Richardson rule for symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras (1994)" and "Paths and root operators in representation theory (1995)", Littelmann introduced Lakshmibai-Seshadri (LS) paths of shape λ (where λ is an integral weight for), and gave the set of them a crystal structure in terms of his root operators; Kashiwara and Joseph proved independently that if λ is dominant, then the crystal of LS paths of shape λ is isomorphic to the crystal basis of the integrable highest weight module of highest weight λ. Using Littelmann's path model (consisting of LS paths), we can describe佐垣大辅数学系致远楼107教室12月24日(星期三) 上午9:30-12:00
Quantum affine gl_n and Schur-Weyl dualityThe difference between quantum sl_n and quantum gl_n is just an extra generator in the zero part. However, that in the affine case is huge. We have developed a new approach to study the structure and representations of quantum affine gl_n. In the series of talks, I will discuss the entire theory including a new realisation, the Lusztig form and the representation theory of affine q-Schur algebras杜杰教授致远楼107室2014年12月28日(周日) 10:00-12:00
On Subadditivity of Kodaira dimension on a positive characteristic fieldFor a fibration f: X → Z over the filed of complex numbers, Iitaka conjectures κ(X) ≥ κ(Z) + κ(F), where F is the geometric generic fiber of f and κ denotes the Kodaira dimension. The conjecture is usually denoted by Cn,m, n=dim X, m=dim Z. We will introduce the progress of the conjecture on a positive characteristic field, including the recent results of Cn,n-1 and C3,1 on a positive characteristic field. These are joint work with Lei Zhang and Caucher Birkar.陈亦飞致远楼102室12月17日上午09:00~10:00
Algebraic Theory of Differential Equations: An Introduction to the theory of ...Solutions of an algebraic differential equation have a rich geometric structure. In his landmarking speech in 1900, Hilbert described a problem on the existence of Fuchsian type equation having prescribed monodromy group, which is now named the Hilbert’s 21stproblem. In this talk, I will introduce Grothendieck school’s formulation and solution of this problem.申屠钧超致远楼102室12月17日上午10:15~11:15